Friday, July 6, 2012

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. He is the one going to retire the old police (the year he was 48 years old) at night on a mission of the accident, the case of two criminals assaulting police officers their guns, the old police and two young and strong, fought against the gun came to a halt, critical juncture, in order to avoid the guns fall into the wrong hands, he did not cross gun surrender, did not even take the time to launch the bullet jammed, but made a tragic decision: the exhaustion of the last effort to put the gun thrown into the bushes. Criminals Missing Gun less than in the dark, angry, stabbed his 13 knives,oakley sunglasses for cheap, knife fatal.
In August 2004, the most prosperous the Jiefangbei walk on the street in Chongqing crazy gang of robbers assaulting a police officer their guns, probably by a wave of terrorism in the world impact, they knock turned the police, evacuated, even throw a smoking homemade bomb attack patrol to worry about bombs wounding, and bravely pressure bomb. Shortly after the three criminals Hangzhou, the arrest and the police not bad luck: the time bomb did not explode. It is worth mentioning is the bird gun,fake oakley sunglasses, was shot to go to a gang rounded up when you use it to commit suicide, this little guy can be considered revenge for his former master.
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Chinese folk martial art is profound, many of them cross eyes, dig the file stamp the Adam's apple, brain, and the actual significance of the anti-joints strong skills to kill, civil argument called But so-called total ash the joy ㄒ  heart trained glaze boil  printed barium men lance  of? / the FONT>
once said in a story, being bullied kid actor Xu Yue outlet to find his brother Xu music for him. A music heard each other is strong, picking up a half a rotten brick in the way to the duel. Be went to the enemy near, looked up and spotted the other side of the head,fake oakley sunglasses, not to say a brick shot up giving open scoop. This is called Maybe in some eyes, this routine departure from the intention of the martial - Related posts:

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